Children & Youth

We have many opportunties for our younger members and their friends to participate in a wide variety of ministry throughout the year.  Ministry to and with youth is emphasized at St. David's. The youth are not just the Church of tomorrow, but they are an important part of the Church and its mission now.

The youth are involved in ministry as worship leaders, as participants in servant events, and as participants in fellowship and fun activities.  The focus of our Youth and Children's ministry is to encourage young persons to grow in faith and to discover how God is calling them to live out their faith in their everyday lives as baptized children of God.


Certain individuals, in order to work or volunteer with children, are required to obtain clearances which may include the following:

The Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance can be submitted and paid for online through the Child Welfare Information Solution (CWIS) self-service portal,

For more information about the electronic submission of child abuse clearances or for information on obtaining the Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check or Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Background Check, please go to:

More Information:


Sunday School

We are excited to have an outstanding Sunday School team Pre-K thru 12th as well as a council approved confirmation process.  All classrooms are staffed with certified adults who have chosen a great curriculum. Each class meets every Sunday during Sunday School hour, starting at 9:15 AM.

Pre-K – K

Our youngest children meet in the main Larning Place Classroom located on the ground floor and accessed through the Learning Place doors in the back of the church.  Children are exposed to the bible in a fun and engaging way.  We provide activities, song, and snacks and teach kindness and respect for others.  Music is an important part of our lessons and children will be encouraged to participate in the Easter and Christmas Eve programs as well as other special days.  The children will also be a part of our annual Advent workshop which teaches community support and involvement.

1st – 3rd

As children grow within the church it is important that thier rolls as active members also grows.  Children in the 1st–3rd grade class explore topics fit for thier age group and participate in chirch activities.  Music is an important part of our lessons and children will be encouraged to participate in the Easter and Christmas Eve programs as well as other special days.  The children will also be a part of our annual Advent workshop which teaches community support and involvement.

4th – 6th

Children in the 4th–6th grade class explore topics fit for thier age group and participate in chirch activities.  Music is an important part of our lessons and children will be encouraged to participate in the Easter and Christmas Eve programs as well as other special days.  The children will also be a part of our annual Advent workshop which teaches community support and involvement.

Jr/Sr High

St. David's 7th 12th grade will meet in the Fellowshiipi Hall.  We will be exploring the CoLABorate Lutheran Confirmation Curriculum and diving into the New Testament, Old Testament, and Lutheran Living portion of the program.  These courses will work with the confirmation material as an adjunct for those in the confirmation process.  We will have snack, fellowship and study God Word and relate this to our everyday lives.  We will also explore the New Testament, Old Testament, and Lutheran Living portion of the program.  These courses will work with the confirmation material  and a review and expansion of material for those who are already confirmed.  We will have snack, fellowship and study God Word and relate this to our everyday lives.  Incorporated into the curriculum will be a periodic "Pastor Perspectives" on questions the class has during our discussions and our local Pastors can offer their thoughts and knowledge to St. David's  Sr. High Students.  Periodically guest speakers will also be invited to the classroom to have talks on some topics facing our teenager's lives.  These will be open to both parent and students during the sunday school hour.


The Confirmation Program is a 2-year program focused on individual and group faith development, mentor/mentoree relationships, worship, prayer, service and most importantly learning the facets of our faith through study of the Holy Bible and the Lutheran Small Catechism.  Requirements include:

Core Coursework: 12 hours annually will be taught through classes provided by the congregation. For the year 2019-20 this coursework will occur as 8 one hour sessions during the Sunday School Hour   - 4 in the fall and 4 in the spring and 4 one hour sessions after the late worship service -2 in the fall and 2 in the spring. Morning sessions will be taught by our confirmation instructor and afternoon sessions will be taught by the pastor.

Winter Confirmation Weekend Retreat

St. David’s Day Camp (VBS)


Confirmation Ministry Service Hours- minimum of 20 hours of service per year (activities to be approved by instructors, or Learning Team) with therequirement that at least 50% of these hours (at least 10 hrs)  be in service with St. David’s Lutheran Church.

Confirmation Ministry Sunday School and Worship Participation

Confirmation Ministry Mentor Program:


Friday nights after home games at Conemaugh Township

Overtime is a great community outreach program which provides a safe, fun, and food filled environment for students in 7th–12th grade.  We welcome students from all schools!  We meet after specified home games held at CTHS in the fellowship hall at the church.

The program is going on it's nineth year and has grown every year with last year's average count topping 180 kids per game!  If you would like to volunteer your time and have completed your required child abuse clearances, please contact Jessica in the church office @ 479-4110.  Monitary donations are also helpful to purchase food and supplies.


This ministry team shall l develop and  oversee a comprehensive educational ministry program to include Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation Ministry, Bible Studies, and other learning activities that are timely, significant, and of interest. This team shall also assist in recruiting, equipping, and supporting members for roles of educational leadership in the life of this congregation.

Vacation Bible School - St. David's Day Camp

Instead of our traditional Vacation Bible School, this year we invite children to join us and our friends from Camp Sequanota for day camp. This week-long camp includes growing faith, self-confidence, and creativity through Bible study, field games, art, water fun, outdoor exploration, and community friends. We are also planning a day at Camp Sequanota for swimming!

There is a registration fee per child is $25.00

Scholarships are available, please inquire when registering.




Come Worship With Us

Sunday Worship: 8:00 AM
Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM